Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Back to School

Hello, It is August! BACK TO SCHOOL TIME! Can you believe it? This time of year creates two problems in most homes in skincare. The first is, Oh my Gosh I wore sunscreen, but look at all these brown spots!!! How can I get rid of them? The second is my teenager has been outside sweating, playing football, swimming in chlorine and his skin is a disaster!
We can get these problems fixed for you! Our Cutera Laser, as seen on "The Doctors", can painlessly remove those brown spots and you can have your smooth porcelain complexion back in just a few days.
For those teens who are stressed about returning to school and looking their best, an alpha-hydroxy acid peel, and beta-hydroxy peel cleans deep into those pores and starts killing that bacteria that causes those acne outbreaks! This gives them a jump start in getting back into their skin care routine.
Contact us with any questions you may have or just come in for a consult!